

An easier way to tackle the trains.

Thanks to myTrains, you will have the confidence to take on the everyday complications and frustrations that come from taking the train. No more worrying about platform changes or planning the journey home, because you can find everything you need in our helpful transport app.

Live Train Times

There’s no need to wait around for service announcements from those crackly station speakers! With myTrains you can check the live departure and arrival boards for thousands of UK train stations. Tapping on a train will take you to the Train Progress screen, which shows you exactly where a train is on its route.

Buy Cheap Train Tickets*

When you book with myTrains there are no booking fees and the cheapest tickets are marked with an orange badge so it’s really easy to find a good deal! Simply plan a journey and tap Purchase Tickets to see all of your options.

*Available on iOS or click here to buy a ticket online.

– Did you know –

The first steam locomotive was built in 1804 and the first railway journey took place along the tramway from Pen-y-darren ironworks in South Wales.

Journey Planner

Check the best route home from any station or plan a journey to somewhere new. Simply choose start and end points, a departure or arrival time and then myTrains will take care of the rest. Routes are organised by time and each one comes with a breakdown of each leg of the journey.

Personalised Dashboards*

Customise the app to suit your preference and see the information most relevant to your journey. Catch the train every day? The commuting dashboard always shows your next train home. Only use the train to shop at the weekend? The occasional travel dashboard shows your nearest stations and departures from your favourite stations.

*Available on iOS

– Travel Tip –

For a better chance at finding cheap train tickets, start looking for them 10-12 weeks ahead.

myTrains Pro review on iOS

★★★★★ This is a really useful app I use every morning to check my train is on time before heading out of the door to the station.

Daniel_68 | 19th February 2016

myTrains Pro review on iOS

★★★★★ Train times. Great app. Extremely useful!

Golden Wander | 23rd January 2016

– Did you know –

Tickets are more expensive at peak times which are usually before 10 am and between 4pm and 7pm. We found journeys could be anywhere between 16% and 84% more expensive!

– Travel Tip –

If you spend more than £90 per year on train tickets, it’s better value for money to buy a Railcard.

Additional Features

Quick station search

Search for stations by name or see what’s nearby to view your closest train stations.

Platform Numbers

Check which platform you train is leaving from before you even get to the station.


On Android you can bookmark the stations and journeys you use the most for quick access.